Real-time capable Simulation Gateway


VILLASnode is a flexible gateway for co-simulation interface data. It converts protocols, (de-)multiplexes signals to and from multiple sources and destinations. Currently, around 18 different protocols and interfaces are supported, ranging from general purpose broker-based messaging protocols like AMQP and MQTT, over IEC 61850, to Web protocols like WebSockets or FIWARE NGSI and many more. It collects statistics about the exchanged data such as packet loss, one-way delay and jitter and provides a network emulation to simulate the conditions of a geographically distributed co-simulation. VILLASnode is a C/C++ application optimized for Real-time Linux operating systems.



We provide user documentation on this website:

For further question please consider joining our Slack channel: FEIN Aachen e.V. Slack.


We kindly ask acadmic users of our tools to cite the following paper in their own publications.

Check the list of publications on the VILLASframework page.


For details please consult the Downloads page.

2018, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems, EONERC


GPLv3 logo

VILLASnode is released as open source software under the GPLv3 license.

Other licensing options available upon request. Please contact Prof. Antonello Monti for further details.

Contact / Mailing list

The project is using a public mailing list for announcements and general discussions. Please click on the link above to subsribe.

Steffen Vogel ( is coordinating development of VILLASframework and its application in project at ACS.


Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems (ACS) EON Energy Research Center (EONERC) RWTH University Aachen, Germany